With its strong focus on sustainability and as a pioneer in green technology, INNIO Group (INNIO) is making progress along the path to a greener energy future. However, its attention to the wider world around it doesn’t end there. The company takes its corporate social responsibility seriously, and it can be relied upon to take impactful action and remain flexible even while being of service to others.

A look at INNIO’s involvement in many initiatives and activities leaves no doubt about the commitment of INNIO – and its employees – to social engagement. INNIO proactively provides its support – financial and otherwise – to the Open Arms Mission in Canada, a children’s cancer charity in Germany, various refugee integration projects in Tyrol, and plenty of other initiatives.
EUR 10,000
for children with cancer
CAD 10,000
for Open Arms Mission
INNIO’s employees are highly committed to improving quality of life with their tireless efforts to secure a more sustainable energy future and their varied social engagement activities. INNIO is proud of these initiatives, and is supportive of its employees. For example, the company doubled the amount of CAD 5,000 that INNIO’s Waukesha staff in Welland had donated to a local volunteer-driven organization called Open Arms Mission, which provides food, personal care, and other items to those in need. When INNIO’s Jenbacher service and contract management staff working across Germany decided to donate part of their 2022 bonus payments to a charity for children’s cancer care, “Hilfe für krebskranke Kinder Vechta e. V.,” the management doubled their donation to EUR 10,000. Many local associations rely on donations like this to keep running and to maintain high morale among volunteers.

Giving social engagement a name: Jenbacher Volunteers
True to our motto of never giving up, it’s our charity’s mission to keep everyone affected going and put a smile back on their face. The generous donation from the Jenbacher team and their employer INNIO is a huge financial help and a big boost for us on our mission to help children with cancer and their families.
Almut Klein, first chairman of “Hilfe für krebskranke Kinder Vechta e. V.
That’s just one example of the many initiatives organized by the Jenbacher Works Council and Jenbacher Volunteers in partnership with other local associations to support the people of Ukraine since the start of the war. INNIO employees’ private donations have included laptops, bikes, go-karts, clothes, medicine, and baby food. The company helped transport furniture to the accommodations provided for refugees, too. INNIO also was involved in the “Bücher für die Seele” (Books for the Soul) children’s book initiative, paying for 5,000 German/Ukrainian children’s books to be printed so that they could be distributed to Ukrainian refugees across Austria. INNIO employees are always on standby to help people in other parts of the world when urgent aid is needed. For example, in April 2023, they organized a fundraising concert for the victims of the earthquake in Turkey and Syria. Based on the idea that social engagement should bring people together, the musicians from Jenbach and the Inn Valley catered to a wide range of music tastes throughout the entertaining evening. Food offerings that evening ranged from Middle Eastern delicacies to Austrian classics.
caring employees
Serving the Community
The INNIO community also focuses on helping people living close to the INNIO headquarters in Jenbach. For instance, when SOS Kinderdorf in Imst said it needed good-quality children’s car seats, the Jenbacher Works Council organized a company collection, with a staff member taking responsibility for collecting the donated car seats. Some of INNIO’s local efforts include regularly donating to the Barbaraladen community shop in Schwaz, helping the volunteer exchange in Jenbach create a brochure about caring for people with dementia, and funding children’s swim lessons. INNIO employees understand the importance of working together as a team – whether they’re at their workbench or in the office … and even when they’ve clocked off for the day.