• Formulated for current and next generation Jenbacher gas engines
• Co-developed between ExxonMobil and INNIO for all INNIO’s Jenbacher Type 2, 3, 4, 6 and 9 natural gas engines
• Performance benefits confirmed by more than 160,000 hours of field data across multiple engine platforms
• Developed and validated to meet new and exclusive oil condemning limits

JENBACH, September 29, 2020 – ExxonMobil and INNIO are delighted to announce the release of Jenbacher N Oil 40 lubricant for all INNIO’s Jenbacher* Type 2, 3, 4, 6 and 9 natural gas engines. This follows the collaboration agreement between the two companies that was announced earlier.
Jenbacher N Oil 40 has been developed to meet the evolving needs of natural gas engine lubrication, providing increased engine uptime and enhanced engine reliability, leading to more power generation and revenue potential. Benefits of the new technology include extended and unique condemning limits for longer drain intervals without compromising protection of critical engine parts and components.
INNIO’s myPlant Asset Performance Management solution can be used to monitor oil consumption, exhaust gas temperature and oil change intervals along with the full offer of oil analyses, technical expertise and borescopic inspections of Mobil ServSM. These analytics will help predict oil lifetime and ensure the performance and protection of the gas engine, to provide a life cycle cost reduction of up to 30% (**).
“We have evaluated Jenbacher N Oil 40 in a long-term, multi-site testing programme with different situations (e.g. a German university, a Russian factory and a greenhouse facility in the UK).” said Andreas Kunz, Chief Technology Officer at INNIO Group, “The high performance lubricant was tested and validated over several Jenbacher engine types under the most demanding circumstances. The new oil has demonstrated its capabilities in each to help optimise oil consumption, reduce waste and lower spare parts costs.”
“ExxonMobil and INNIO engineers focused on INNIO Jenbacher gas engines lubrication requirements in more than 160,000 hours of field data across multiple engine platforms. This contributed to the development of the new Jenbacher N Oil 40 that helps to double both oil and filter life(**),” added Elisabetta Scossa, Europe Energy Manager of ExxonMobil. “In addition, operators will appreciate that this one lubricant can be used in the entire Jenbacher natural gas engine portfolio and therefore can optimise inventory costs for operators with multiple types of Jenbacher engines.”
For more information visit jenbacher.com/en/services/performance-oils and JenbacherNOil40.com.
*Indicates a trademark
**Actual benefits can vary depending upon the type of equipment used and its maintenance, operating conditions and environment, and any prior lubricant used. Extended used oil and filter life as well as reduced waste are based on normal use of the product, as described in the technical instructions from INNIO Jenbacher.
INNIO is a leading solutions provider of gas engines, power equipment, a digital platform and related services for power generation and gas compression at or near the point of use. With our Jenbacher and Waukesha product brands, INNIO pushes beyond the possible and looks boldly toward tomorrow. Our diverse portfolio of reliable, economical and sustainable industrial gas engines generates 200 kW to 10 MW of power for numerous industries globally. We can provide life cycle support to the more than 50,000 delivered gas engines worldwide. And, backed by our service network in more than 100 countries, INNIO connects with you locally for rapid response to your service needs. Headquartered in Jenbach, Austria, the business also has primary operations in Welland, Ontario, Canada, and Waukesha, Wisconsin, USA. For more information, visit the company’s website at www.innio.com. Follow INNIO on Twitter and LinkedIn.
About ExxonMobil
ExxonMobil is one of the world’s largest suppliers and marketers of fuels, lubricants and specialties, including lubricant base stocks, waxes and asphalt. Tracing its lubricants history to the Vacuum Oil Company, formed in 1866 and acquired in 1879, ExxonMobil has been at the forefront of lubricant technology innovation for more than 150 years. Its breakthrough products have helped to power some of mankind’s greatest technological feats, including the first gasoline-powered automobile, the first electric generating system, the first powered flight and the first space shuttle launch, among others. Today, ExxonMobil continues to develop new lubrication solutions for tomorrow’s machinery, to help keep the world moving. For more information visit www.mobilindustrial.com.
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Erildas Budraitis
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